"Who can know what effect our smallest acts of kindness may have on others? Perhaps the most important contribution of Mother Teresa, who serves the most destitute and neglected, is that she instills in those who have been abandoned the realization that they too are loved." ~ Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj ~ Panda Pig's Peace Sanctuary exists so that abandoned, neglected, sick, and dying guinea pigs may experience that they, too, are cherished and loved!
Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!
Monday, June 28, 2010
May we send love and prayers to all living beings struggling for their lives in the Gulf of Mexico
instead of directing hatred towards BP.
May we send love to the Persian Gulf instead of hatred towards people different from us.
May we send love to our neighbors in need at this time.
May we feed the children of families without food.
May we clothe the naked amongst us.
May we take in all the abandonded, neglected little brothers and sisters
in the form of animals, birds, fish, plants, and
may we provide loving stewardship towards all who live with us upon this earth.
May we learn kindness.
May we learn patience.
May we learn compassion.
May we practice mercy.
May we be endowed with the courage to live our convictions without fear of others' opinions of us.
May we smile.
May we smile at all whom we once thought of as "others" and make them our very own.
May we make war no more. May this conviction be born in our own heart, for there is no other garden in which
it could be planted.
This is the Prayer from PandaPigSanctuary for the Fourth of July and above flies our banner!
~written by Yum-Yum, Raj, and Taj Mahal
Dear Readers,
Happy Wintry Monday here in the Great Pacific Northwest. This past week has been so eventful we don't even know where to begin, perhaps at the end would be best: Fluffy has found her perfect Forever Home in a story
we promise to tell you when we miss her a little less...OK, so we miss her! Sue us!
Also, the Molly eBook will be coming out soon, and a hardback to follow in October. The eBook is for the adult MODS (who are going NUTS without live streams on 24/7, geez. people, get a life!) and the hardback
will be for children, so they will be different. Mom wrote an email to the author and he asked her permission
to print portions of it in his book(s) so that made us all happy! We piggies are now part of the Molly Legacy!
Yeah, guinea pigs!
(Editor whispering.)
Mom thanked me for the inspiration to write the email that inspired the author to include something very important from the TWEET stream in the book...says it's all about ME! MEEEeeeeeeeeeeee! WHEEEK!
And, now that our little Hairball is happily ensconced (and, no doubt, being TOTALLY SPOILED!) in her new home, we are back to morning feeding and socialization for the Mahals in our Runabout Pen, so we are having a whole lot of fun, running around,
receiving special breakfast treats, and lots more attention from mom! First it was Molly's Owl Box,
then it was Fluffy, now it is US ALL TO HERSELF!
And life in the City may look pretty but mom says she felt safer in Brooklyn and Manhattan when she
lived there for a month trying it out. She had a lot of adventures and also recognized just what a city
girl she's NOT! So, here we are living in the city. Having adventures very different from the ones we
had exploring the pond, marsh, woods, salmon stream, waterfalls, eagles's nest, listening to birds in the
morning, at dusk, all night the frogs and coyotes and owls, and none of them insane, drunk, drug
addicts, racists, or sexual predators - who live IN this apartment complex - stalking mom!
(NOTE: when mom first moved into the condos the summer of 1999, however, all of those things
DID EXIST THERE, not to mention the meth lab(s) but, as more owners moved in to their own
homes the place cleaned up so nicely that by the time we moved OUT, it was a close community of
predominantly sane, sober humans who cared about their animals and one another, for the most part.)
Sometimes we hear mom joke that she isn't always certain whether it is safer here in the building where
we now live or on the streets where there's always a store to hide in, if necessary...but, once
INSIDE THE APARTMENT, mom can lock the door and feel safe, provided no one is lurking
outside the window for hours staring in to get a glimpse of her...good times. Good times, all.
Mom is practicing something she calls her "cloak of Invisibility" and, so far,
it seems to be working: when she finds herself in a dangerous situation she begins meditating,
places her gaze inwards (even though her eyes remain open) and pretends to be invisible!
Yesterday being Sunday, she found herself walking home on her walker on a deserted street
when two unholy looking characters appeared on the sidewalk walking towards her. Rather
than cross the street and attract attention to herself, she put on the "invisibility cloak" and walked
right past them on the sidewalk, looking back afterwards to see where they were: it was as if
they never even saw her! And they walked one way, mom walked the other way, got home
safely, and still ponders how we have ended up here. We love all the light streaming through
the windows, even on cloudy days, and plan to stay. So, here's to Morning Breakfast Runabouts
and Invisibility Cloaks, and the magic of Good People mom also meets!
Enjoy the brief, heartwarming video of Molly's Owl Box eBook, then please explain to us all
what an eBook is! Thank you.
Happy Wintry Monday here in the Great Pacific Northwest. This past week has been so eventful we don't even know where to begin, perhaps at the end would be best: Fluffy has found her perfect Forever Home in a story
we promise to tell you when we miss her a little less...OK, so we miss her! Sue us!
Also, the Molly eBook will be coming out soon, and a hardback to follow in October. The eBook is for the adult MODS (who are going NUTS without live streams on 24/7, geez. people, get a life!) and the hardback
will be for children, so they will be different. Mom wrote an email to the author and he asked her permission
to print portions of it in his book(s) so that made us all happy! We piggies are now part of the Molly Legacy!
Yeah, guinea pigs!
(Editor whispering.)
Mom thanked me for the inspiration to write the email that inspired the author to include something very important from the TWEET stream in the book...says it's all about ME! MEEEeeeeeeeeeeee! WHEEEK!
And, now that our little Hairball is happily ensconced (and, no doubt, being TOTALLY SPOILED!) in her new home, we are back to morning feeding and socialization for the Mahals in our Runabout Pen, so we are having a whole lot of fun, running around,
receiving special breakfast treats, and lots more attention from mom! First it was Molly's Owl Box,
then it was Fluffy, now it is US ALL TO HERSELF!
And life in the City may look pretty but mom says she felt safer in Brooklyn and Manhattan when she
lived there for a month trying it out. She had a lot of adventures and also recognized just what a city
girl she's NOT! So, here we are living in the city. Having adventures very different from the ones we
had exploring the pond, marsh, woods, salmon stream, waterfalls, eagles's nest, listening to birds in the
morning, at dusk, all night the frogs and coyotes and owls, and none of them insane, drunk, drug
addicts, racists, or sexual predators - who live IN this apartment complex - stalking mom!
(NOTE: when mom first moved into the condos the summer of 1999, however, all of those things
DID EXIST THERE, not to mention the meth lab(s) but, as more owners moved in to their own
homes the place cleaned up so nicely that by the time we moved OUT, it was a close community of
predominantly sane, sober humans who cared about their animals and one another, for the most part.)
Sometimes we hear mom joke that she isn't always certain whether it is safer here in the building where
we now live or on the streets where there's always a store to hide in, if necessary...but, once
INSIDE THE APARTMENT, mom can lock the door and feel safe, provided no one is lurking
outside the window for hours staring in to get a glimpse of her...good times. Good times, all.
Mom is practicing something she calls her "cloak of Invisibility" and, so far,
it seems to be working: when she finds herself in a dangerous situation she begins meditating,
places her gaze inwards (even though her eyes remain open) and pretends to be invisible!
Yesterday being Sunday, she found herself walking home on her walker on a deserted street
when two unholy looking characters appeared on the sidewalk walking towards her. Rather
than cross the street and attract attention to herself, she put on the "invisibility cloak" and walked
right past them on the sidewalk, looking back afterwards to see where they were: it was as if
they never even saw her! And they walked one way, mom walked the other way, got home
safely, and still ponders how we have ended up here. We love all the light streaming through
the windows, even on cloudy days, and plan to stay. So, here's to Morning Breakfast Runabouts
and Invisibility Cloaks, and the magic of Good People mom also meets!
Enjoy the brief, heartwarming video of Molly's Owl Box eBook, then please explain to us all
what an eBook is! Thank you.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Icelandic comedian to become Reykjavik's mayor - Telegraph: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Dear Readers,
Did you know that we guinea pigs are political activists? When it comes to polar bears, ya'betcha!
With polar ice melting, polar bears have been swimming all the way to Iceland for safe refuge...
and what have they received for their faithful efforts? They get shot dead!
Yeah. Fortunately, a new political party led by comedian Jon Garr just swept into the mayor's
elections in a city with a long name AND WON! POLAR BEARS CAN SWIM TO ICELAND NOW
AND BE FREE! O.K. not free, put in a zoo...but not shot!
We sent in our own special ballots because we are all THE BEST!
Enjoy, brave new world!
Dear Readers,
Did you know that we guinea pigs are political activists? When it comes to polar bears, ya'betcha!
With polar ice melting, polar bears have been swimming all the way to Iceland for safe refuge...
and what have they received for their faithful efforts? They get shot dead!
Yeah. Fortunately, a new political party led by comedian Jon Garr just swept into the mayor's
elections in a city with a long name AND WON! POLAR BEARS CAN SWIM TO ICELAND NOW
AND BE FREE! O.K. not free, put in a zoo...but not shot!
We sent in our own special ballots because we are all THE BEST!
Enjoy, brave new world!
but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission -
to be of service to them wherever they require it."
~ St. Francis of Assisi
It has been a privelege here at PandaPigSanctuary to have
been given the responsibility to care for, nurture, love, and
allow Fluffy to grow and become strong before finding her
"forever home" as much as our heart broke giving her up.
We are deeply honored and grateful, all of us, for the trust
given by God to care for this lost, helpless orphan with all our
heart, all our soul, and all our might before saying, "Farewell,
Fluffy, you have touched our hearts and will never be forgotten."
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Dear Readers, Today our friend Fluffy found a perfect "forever home" and i's not believin' we misses kitty. (also gonna get new name: YEAH! we's very happy 'bout THAT!)
Long, very sweet story: When mom feels better - she always sick, dat mom! - she help me tell you beautiful story wid happy,
poignant ending.(please remind if we forget, because you will love it, too, promise)...
In today's world: A genuine, true-life HAPPY ENDING...AND A NEW BEGINNING... Not goin' back to old owner, found new home and mom says story will bring us to sweet, little-bitty guineaPig tears: We's not gonna miss dat thing, but - sniff, sniff - we miss dat thing...where she, mom? Mom says God has placed her in the best imaginable home and she got free extensive vet care first! now mom in bed but also first good news about Raj: he never purred before, very ferrety and snooty on mom...yesterday would not accept bright yellow organic $4 pepper she got for our Vitamin C, UNTIL she hand-fed him, petted him while he ate, AND DAT BOY PURRING FOR FIRST TIME ON MOM! SAY HE LOVE HER NOW WON'T EAT WITHOUT HER LOVE HIM BACK AT SAME TIME?
WHEN DAT HAPPEN?! now Both Mahals lovins' mom! since April dey's all: we gots each other, we don't need her...but she keep lovin' on them. hard to get piggies who never been handled, doesn't like people if not touched from childhood so not lovin' mom at all, always runnin' away and snooty! she patient, she keep on lovin' on dem anyway, NOW IT PAYIN' OFF!
Mom says she gonna hork a hairball, gotta go to bed, so we tell ya's more real soon.
today 2 blocks away the Harley-Davidson Big Burley Biker Show wids tattooed womens all over, den tonight da Saturday night EEEEvangelical Street Tent Revival for JESUS! ooohhh, can't miss it? why? 'cause is across OUR STREET. and upstairs, while mom nearly in tears with migraine, somebody playin' soccer against dey's wall! is that what "Oh, HaPPY dAY" song about? world cup RIGHT UPSTAIRS!
Edwin thinks our new life funny! All big security in new building but can't save us from the peoples who all locked inside! Says we lives in an exclusive "gated community" where dey's locked IN da crazy people and surround rest of crazy people just outside us! Downtown Bellinghamsterville...we's not on Scudder Pond anymore...
mom says pretend we in our beautiful, cozy little apartment with big, bright, sunny windows but nothing below us or above us, "only sky" (thank you, John Lennon)...imagine floating in the pretty, pretty sky, like Heaven...
just don't look OUT windows or go OUT door (and don't let nothin' come IN window - like mom's glaring, lurking stalker - or come IN door - like tattooed Jesus wearing leather chaps sporting black, shiny German WWII helmet gunning his Harley)
...only we 4 in our sunny, little space-apartment, floating alone in pretty, pretty sky, like Heaven...
Mom says for us piggies to think like John when he wrote "Imagine" but maybe change a few words, make us happy:
IMAGINE all the people...living...with guinea pigs!
miss Fluffy
Long, very sweet story: When mom feels better - she always sick, dat mom! - she help me tell you beautiful story wid happy,
poignant ending.(please remind if we forget, because you will love it, too, promise)...
In today's world: A genuine, true-life HAPPY ENDING...AND A NEW BEGINNING... Not goin' back to old owner, found new home and mom says story will bring us to sweet, little-bitty guineaPig tears: We's not gonna miss dat thing, but - sniff, sniff - we miss dat thing...where she, mom? Mom says God has placed her in the best imaginable home and she got free extensive vet care first! now mom in bed but also first good news about Raj: he never purred before, very ferrety and snooty on mom...yesterday would not accept bright yellow organic $4 pepper she got for our Vitamin C, UNTIL she hand-fed him, petted him while he ate, AND DAT BOY PURRING FOR FIRST TIME ON MOM! SAY HE LOVE HER NOW WON'T EAT WITHOUT HER LOVE HIM BACK AT SAME TIME?
WHEN DAT HAPPEN?! now Both Mahals lovins' mom! since April dey's all: we gots each other, we don't need her...but she keep lovin' on them. hard to get piggies who never been handled, doesn't like people if not touched from childhood so not lovin' mom at all, always runnin' away and snooty! she patient, she keep on lovin' on dem anyway, NOW IT PAYIN' OFF!
Mom says she gonna hork a hairball, gotta go to bed, so we tell ya's more real soon.
today 2 blocks away the Harley-Davidson Big Burley Biker Show wids tattooed womens all over, den tonight da Saturday night EEEEvangelical Street Tent Revival for JESUS! ooohhh, can't miss it? why? 'cause is across OUR STREET. and upstairs, while mom nearly in tears with migraine, somebody playin' soccer against dey's wall! is that what "Oh, HaPPY dAY" song about? world cup RIGHT UPSTAIRS!
Edwin thinks our new life funny! All big security in new building but can't save us from the peoples who all locked inside! Says we lives in an exclusive "gated community" where dey's locked IN da crazy people and surround rest of crazy people just outside us! Downtown Bellinghamsterville...we's not on Scudder Pond anymore...
mom says pretend we in our beautiful, cozy little apartment with big, bright, sunny windows but nothing below us or above us, "only sky" (thank you, John Lennon)...imagine floating in the pretty, pretty sky, like Heaven...
just don't look OUT windows or go OUT door (and don't let nothin' come IN window - like mom's glaring, lurking stalker - or come IN door - like tattooed Jesus wearing leather chaps sporting black, shiny German WWII helmet gunning his Harley)
...only we 4 in our sunny, little space-apartment, floating alone in pretty, pretty sky, like Heaven...
Mom says for us piggies to think like John when he wrote "Imagine" but maybe change a few words, make us happy:
IMAGINE all the people...living...with guinea pigs!
miss Fluffy
Thursday, June 24, 2010
mom not gonna miss fluffy, no way
dear readers,
a LOT has been going on this week since Fluffy's mom, the apartment manager, who (by the by) does NOT live here, went on vacation: the poo hit da ! and we realize that bellingham may be a small city, but we is in da Projects, man, and is rough here! we got callin' cops, people got calling child protective services, got a gang a kids gone WILD running through everythin' knocking down stuff, jumpin' on cars, fighting over a baby stroller, pushing it into cars, pulling bottles and blankets out, playing tug of war with dat thing, until mom notice...
OOPSY! had a baby in it! she call da police but dey's didn't do nothin' then people got real mad about it and
all the neighbors is out watching, taking pictures, calling cops, child protective services, (ain't NONE of these kids got PARENTS?!)
then one man real mad JUST FURIOUS PATRIOT
cause his neighbor from India cooks curry and curry "NOT AMERICAN! I HAVE TO SMELL IT AND IT IS NOT NOT NOT AMERICAN SMELL IN MY HALLWAY" and yellin' bout the un-American curry smell and mom got her own sexual predator stalking her: ONLY A FEW DAYS AFTER WE MOVE he come and knock on door at night, she no answer, was like: WHAT THE?!@@## THEN just last week he stand outside OUR BIG sunny, open WINDOWS FOR HOURS waiting to see mom appear then start making all kinda motions on her so that night she crawling around on floor till dark enough to stand up and close blinds and not get seen but don't get dark till nearly ten, so a lot a crawlin' mom did that night and now she ready to throw her walker on his man-parts if he come NEAR her (already molested two womens!) but he bother mom ONE MORE TIME she break his manPlace then get restraining order then he get kicked out. mom not wanna be violent...not wanna get in trouble, too, but already told manager(fluffy mom) before she left on vacation: he NO TOUCHIN MOM! so, she trying to be non-violent and loving while planning trajectory of throwing walker - she bad, maybe, too...but scared! no background checks around here?
and mom met the lady who called CPS, and she old, with infant so mom say, oh, is that you grandson, he is adorable, and she sat dere, look at mom, says "No." Awkward Silence ensued...then says but she gots grandchildren, too...(BIG WHOOPSY, MOM!) and now Fluffy got diarrhea so mom called fluffy mom in LA and she not call back and everyone say she fired (?!) so now mom don' know if she even comin' BACK for Fluffy, been gone a week, hadn't called once, now we's wondering what up and fluffy starting to lay on mom, purring, run out an greet mom all the time, but loves us more
all a big fat we-don't-know-what-kinda week, (or what the **** we've gotten ourselves into, YIKES!) so stay tuned...we living in da looney bin. but mom likes her neighbor, "Napolean Dynamite" exactly but very sweet and we not even gonna mention OTHER neighbors...oh my, oh dear, oh my, oh dear...
a LOT has been going on this week since Fluffy's mom, the apartment manager, who (by the by) does NOT live here, went on vacation: the poo hit da ! and we realize that bellingham may be a small city, but we is in da Projects, man, and is rough here! we got callin' cops, people got calling child protective services, got a gang a kids gone WILD running through everythin' knocking down stuff, jumpin' on cars, fighting over a baby stroller, pushing it into cars, pulling bottles and blankets out, playing tug of war with dat thing, until mom notice...
OOPSY! had a baby in it! she call da police but dey's didn't do nothin' then people got real mad about it and
all the neighbors is out watching, taking pictures, calling cops, child protective services, (ain't NONE of these kids got PARENTS?!)
then one man real mad JUST FURIOUS PATRIOT
cause his neighbor from India cooks curry and curry "NOT AMERICAN! I HAVE TO SMELL IT AND IT IS NOT NOT NOT AMERICAN SMELL IN MY HALLWAY" and yellin' bout the un-American curry smell and mom got her own sexual predator stalking her: ONLY A FEW DAYS AFTER WE MOVE he come and knock on door at night, she no answer, was like: WHAT THE?!@@## THEN just last week he stand outside OUR BIG sunny, open WINDOWS FOR HOURS waiting to see mom appear then start making all kinda motions on her so that night she crawling around on floor till dark enough to stand up and close blinds and not get seen but don't get dark till nearly ten, so a lot a crawlin' mom did that night and now she ready to throw her walker on his man-parts if he come NEAR her (already molested two womens!) but he bother mom ONE MORE TIME she break his manPlace then get restraining order then he get kicked out. mom not wanna be violent...not wanna get in trouble, too, but already told manager(fluffy mom) before she left on vacation: he NO TOUCHIN MOM! so, she trying to be non-violent and loving while planning trajectory of throwing walker - she bad, maybe, too...but scared! no background checks around here?
and mom met the lady who called CPS, and she old, with infant so mom say, oh, is that you grandson, he is adorable, and she sat dere, look at mom, says "No." Awkward Silence ensued...then says but she gots grandchildren, too...(BIG WHOOPSY, MOM!) and now Fluffy got diarrhea so mom called fluffy mom in LA and she not call back and everyone say she fired (?!) so now mom don' know if she even comin' BACK for Fluffy, been gone a week, hadn't called once, now we's wondering what up and fluffy starting to lay on mom, purring, run out an greet mom all the time, but loves us more
all a big fat we-don't-know-what-kinda week, (or what the **** we've gotten ourselves into, YIKES!) so stay tuned...we living in da looney bin. but mom likes her neighbor, "Napolean Dynamite" exactly but very sweet and we not even gonna mention OTHER neighbors...oh my, oh dear, oh my, oh dear...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Our little darling, Fluffy, seems to be having an identity crisis:
#1. She does not know who or what we guinea pigs are
#2. Not having any feline siblings or friends here, she is not certain whether she herself is a kitten
#3. Why can't she enter our cages with us?
#4. What are we? What is she? Are we related?
#5. Why can't she play with us? We get to play with each other. (except me, YumYum, The Biter!)
#6. Why is life something a kitten does not understand?
#7. If she had her own blog, would she Know Things?
#8. She thinks we are funny, especially when Raj and Taj get hormonally revved up and chase each other around their cage
#9. She appreciates our entertaining her when mom is not home
#10. She does have more toys than we do, and that makes her really, really happy!
#11. We feel she will miss us when her family returns from their vacation. She thinks this is her "forever home" and is very happy.
#12. We began only tolerating her, but have to admit we feel some affection towards the little furball...it's all good here at PandaPigSanctuary, whether cavidae or felidae...it really is all good.
YumYum wishing the best to stray kittens. Fluffy, we might love you...just don't tell anyone, O.K. because I have a reputation as a tough guy to protect! As our friend from our old home says, gently to her mom, am: "wuf" (and she's a cat, too!)
Bedtime for all creatures, large and small: dream of Sun!
Dear Readers,
Fluffy recently received new toys, many of them have not been seen since she opened them. This was her favorite. She hid it.
Or, after the look she gave it, the toy hid itself! Can you blame it?
Fluffy recently received new toys, many of them have not been seen since she opened them. This was her favorite. She hid it.
Or, after the look she gave it, the toy hid itself! Can you blame it?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dear Readers,
first off let me explain the next post: since mom began learning a wonderful new style of Tai Chi and since Jackie Chan's new movie has been released (we haven't seen it yet, but soon!) we're all going into Kung Fu mode. Mom's teacher is also a figure skater, so last night she asked me to find the most astonishing Kung Fu Skating to send to her teacher. I got my first assignment, executed it adroitly (hey i's a guinea pig but not illiterate.) And what you are looking at blew everybody away during the 1994 Winter Olympics in Norway, except the Russian judges who, of course, were looking for skaters trained in classical ballet at the Kirov---blah, blah, so our dear Elvis received silver instead of gold (which all knew he deserved) but he did go on to Worlds to skate the same program to a gold medal shortly thereafter.
but, i digress. Fluffy...in a word: ZOOM!
enough about kittens.
about us: we are happy, because mom, in her continuing efforts to "socialize" the Mahals, now opens our runabout pen (DOWN, FLUFFY, DOWN!) for breakfast, when they are hungriest, and only lets them enjoy their fresh breakfast veggies by climbing onto her lap (FLUFFFFFFFFFFYDOWN=DNKLA;AIEO
G=-67) geez, kittens! so they are beginning to climb onto her lap and let her pet them while they pig out for breakfast because, at the end of the day, food trumps having to be petted and loved by mom...since this wily plan of hers is working, i ALSO now enjoy morning Runabouts with treats except this morning because Important Men Wearing Suits are coming to inspect each unit since our building is now exactly one year old.
since pets are not allowed here, what a fun morning we expect THIS TO BE!
love to all, enjoy Elvis skating full screen is better, music from the Hollywood biography of Bruce Lee, "Dragon" mom's favorite kung fu music, ok she said she also loves "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (well, Yo-Yo Ma, of course!) and "Once Upon A Time in China" ok, mom, we get it, you love Chinese kung fu movies...this is a guinea pig blog, ma!
later...so far, Solstice come and gone but temp has not gone above 75 degrees...
YUM-YUM lovsYa!
first off let me explain the next post: since mom began learning a wonderful new style of Tai Chi and since Jackie Chan's new movie has been released (we haven't seen it yet, but soon!) we're all going into Kung Fu mode. Mom's teacher is also a figure skater, so last night she asked me to find the most astonishing Kung Fu Skating to send to her teacher. I got my first assignment, executed it adroitly (hey i's a guinea pig but not illiterate.) And what you are looking at blew everybody away during the 1994 Winter Olympics in Norway, except the Russian judges who, of course, were looking for skaters trained in classical ballet at the Kirov---blah, blah, so our dear Elvis received silver instead of gold (which all knew he deserved) but he did go on to Worlds to skate the same program to a gold medal shortly thereafter.
but, i digress. Fluffy...in a word: ZOOM!
enough about kittens.
about us: we are happy, because mom, in her continuing efforts to "socialize" the Mahals, now opens our runabout pen (DOWN, FLUFFY, DOWN!) for breakfast, when they are hungriest, and only lets them enjoy their fresh breakfast veggies by climbing onto her lap (FLUFFFFFFFFFFYDOWN=DNKLA;AIEO
G=-67) geez, kittens! so they are beginning to climb onto her lap and let her pet them while they pig out for breakfast because, at the end of the day, food trumps having to be petted and loved by mom...since this wily plan of hers is working, i ALSO now enjoy morning Runabouts with treats except this morning because Important Men Wearing Suits are coming to inspect each unit since our building is now exactly one year old.
since pets are not allowed here, what a fun morning we expect THIS TO BE!
love to all, enjoy Elvis skating full screen is better, music from the Hollywood biography of Bruce Lee, "Dragon" mom's favorite kung fu music, ok she said she also loves "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (well, Yo-Yo Ma, of course!) and "Once Upon A Time in China" ok, mom, we get it, you love Chinese kung fu movies...this is a guinea pig blog, ma!
later...so far, Solstice come and gone but temp has not gone above 75 degrees...
YUM-YUM lovsYa!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Goodbye to Molly's Owlets
Goodbye to Molly's Owlets
To Our Dear Readers,
We are so overwhelmed having Fluffy "in the house" that it's hard to believe only one week ago Wesley fledged, finally away, and Molly and McGee actually returned to the owl box together,
and enjoyed a second honeymoon, perhaps a New Beginning...
So, please enjoy this beautiful tribute one of the MOD's created as we wing ourselves (I meant wean) from Molly's Owl Box and begin the Adventures of Fluffy in our OWN apartment/box!
Mom has run out of space on my laptop for more photographs to be downloaded, so it may be a few days before I get to post another message to my devoted readers...days, right!
D.A.Y. S. for mom to figure something out on my computer. Okaaaayyyy....
Yum-Yum, Raj and Taj Mahal, and that thing they call "Fluffy"
who jumps around almost as much as WE DO!
To Our Dear Readers,
We are so overwhelmed having Fluffy "in the house" that it's hard to believe only one week ago Wesley fledged, finally away, and Molly and McGee actually returned to the owl box together,
and enjoyed a second honeymoon, perhaps a New Beginning...
So, please enjoy this beautiful tribute one of the MOD's created as we wing ourselves (I meant wean) from Molly's Owl Box and begin the Adventures of Fluffy in our OWN apartment/box!
Mom has run out of space on my laptop for more photographs to be downloaded, so it may be a few days before I get to post another message to my devoted readers...days, right!
D.A.Y. S. for mom to figure something out on my computer. Okaaaayyyy....
Yum-Yum, Raj and Taj Mahal, and that thing they call "Fluffy"
who jumps around almost as much as WE DO!
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