Edwin just called us from downtown Seattle a few hours ago about
Hay-Day Riots he accidentally found himself in the middle of.
Kind of reminded us of the WTO Riots back when...well, whenever they were. See Bhindi behind me? He's giving me the eye because
if there's a hay shortage...he's thinking...well, we are loving and
we will share. Not really. Mom stayed in all day finishing an art thing she promised and we all behaved. Not really. Didn't get our Runabouts thanks to "BHINDI'S BIG TOE ESCAPE" cuz now we have to be "watched" and mom had to focus on the art thing!
VinniValliGuinea (in HideyFace pose)

Hay-Day Riots he accidentally found himself in the middle of.
Kind of reminded us of the WTO Riots back when...well, whenever they were. See Bhindi behind me? He's giving me the eye because
if there's a hay shortage...he's thinking...well, we are loving and
we will share. Not really. Mom stayed in all day finishing an art thing she promised and we all behaved. Not really. Didn't get our Runabouts thanks to "BHINDI'S BIG TOE ESCAPE" cuz now we have to be "watched" and mom had to focus on the art thing!
VinniValliGuinea (in HideyFace pose)