"Who can know what effect our smallest acts of kindness may have on others? Perhaps the most important contribution of Mother Teresa, who serves the most destitute and neglected, is that she instills in those who have been abandoned the realization that they too are loved." ~ Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj ~ Panda Pig's Peace Sanctuary exists so that abandoned, neglected, sick, and dying guinea pigs may experience that they, too, are cherished and loved!
Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!
Monday, May 24, 2010
How do you do, pudu? | Greenwood-Phinney News
When mom worked/volunteered at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, she and Edwin loved it when a baby pudu was born! Well, good news, guys, we got ourselves a New PUDU!
Congratulations, world! We are now a better place because we have a new baby pudu on our big, blue puduPlanet!
When mom worked/volunteered at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, she and Edwin loved it when a baby pudu was born! Well, good news, guys, we got ourselves a New PUDU!
Congratulations, world! We are now a better place because we have a new baby pudu on our big, blue puduPlanet!
BLOG « Molly's Box
BLOG « Molly's Box
Hi All,
YumYum here confronting a major journalistic decision:
While conflicted about sharing the joy of our owlies becoming independent
by sharing these stark (some cavies might say gruesome) images of what hunting entails,
we have chosen to offer our readers the option to:
1. look
2. not look
at this phase of the owlets' fledging...they are proving themselves capable hunters already,
so we celebrate skills that will enable them to survive once they leave their owl box forever.
sniffle, sniffle. Except nobody too sure about 'lil Wes, yet...
On the other hand, we wee, bitty guinea pigs don't want to be outside, ever, and we mean
'Tis a paradox of nature, truly. And one few guinea pigs experience philosophically or existentially.
Most parts of the world consider us prey (if they are animals) or dinner (if they are people.)
That PandaPigSanctuary is a big, happy family where we are loved, played with, fed with glee,
and CHERISHED for BEING GUINEA PIGs is statistically a rare experience (globally) for cavies...
Guinea Pigs are wonderful! We have so much personality: we are full of love, affection, humor,
joy, express highly complex language skills, game-playing imagination, and love pranking mom and each
We are Mystical Rodents with an acute, conscious awareness of the world around and within us.
We can be contemplative and meditative when not eating, playing, sleeping, or talking about
mom behind her back.
ooh, ooh! Our Fave game is playing: "What's the funniest thing mom did recently?"
Choose only one:
#1. Dumped our dirty poo & pee into a big, black garbage bag containing her favorite camping gear
instead of trash
#2. Stumbling into a closed door on her way to kitchen in the middle of night, then saying naughty words
we aren't allowed to say or supposed to hear
#3. Tried to pick up one of the Mahals by holding out a treat THEN having aforementioned treat
snatched and rapidly re-deployed by snatcher into Pigloo while the rest of us giggled silently
into our fur while assuming sympathetic expressions, i. e. "Oh, mom, we feel your pain." (hee-hee)
#4. Mom announcing that the litter we scattered all over the floor the night before is the reason she cannot
place her yoga mat down and it's all our fault she can't exercise; while falling back asleep mid-sentence
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"All Beings are special," mom announces, "And we should never eat one another, always be kind."
and...yet... while mom, the Mahals, and I played "Last Buddha Standing" last night
we concurrently got GLUED to the screen during our owlets "First Hunt," especially when one
actually took his mousy in to share with 'Lil Wes, the owl someone is making inflatable wings for.
YOU KNOW THAT MOM LIKES POPCORN so we encouraged her to make some instead
of contemplating aforementioned questions. She turned off "FLEDGE WATCH" then fell right to sleep.
and we vowed never to let Big Questions crowd our little brains ever again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Plato's Part has been performed by YumYum during this evening's performance of: "What Is The
Meaning of Life" and we thank you for attending.
Hi All,
YumYum here confronting a major journalistic decision:
While conflicted about sharing the joy of our owlies becoming independent
by sharing these stark (some cavies might say gruesome) images of what hunting entails,
we have chosen to offer our readers the option to:
1. look
2. not look
at this phase of the owlets' fledging...they are proving themselves capable hunters already,
so we celebrate skills that will enable them to survive once they leave their owl box forever.
sniffle, sniffle. Except nobody too sure about 'lil Wes, yet...
On the other hand, we wee, bitty guinea pigs don't want to be outside, ever, and we mean
'Tis a paradox of nature, truly. And one few guinea pigs experience philosophically or existentially.
Most parts of the world consider us prey (if they are animals) or dinner (if they are people.)
That PandaPigSanctuary is a big, happy family where we are loved, played with, fed with glee,
and CHERISHED for BEING GUINEA PIGs is statistically a rare experience (globally) for cavies...
Guinea Pigs are wonderful! We have so much personality: we are full of love, affection, humor,
joy, express highly complex language skills, game-playing imagination, and love pranking mom and each
We are Mystical Rodents with an acute, conscious awareness of the world around and within us.
We can be contemplative and meditative when not eating, playing, sleeping, or talking about
mom behind her back.
ooh, ooh! Our Fave game is playing: "What's the funniest thing mom did recently?"
Choose only one:
#1. Dumped our dirty poo & pee into a big, black garbage bag containing her favorite camping gear
instead of trash
#2. Stumbling into a closed door on her way to kitchen in the middle of night, then saying naughty words
we aren't allowed to say or supposed to hear
#3. Tried to pick up one of the Mahals by holding out a treat THEN having aforementioned treat
snatched and rapidly re-deployed by snatcher into Pigloo while the rest of us giggled silently
into our fur while assuming sympathetic expressions, i. e. "Oh, mom, we feel your pain." (hee-hee)
#4. Mom announcing that the litter we scattered all over the floor the night before is the reason she cannot
place her yoga mat down and it's all our fault she can't exercise; while falling back asleep mid-sentence
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"All Beings are special," mom announces, "And we should never eat one another, always be kind."
and...yet... while mom, the Mahals, and I played "Last Buddha Standing" last night
we concurrently got GLUED to the screen during our owlets "First Hunt," especially when one
actually took his mousy in to share with 'Lil Wes, the owl someone is making inflatable wings for.
YOU KNOW THAT MOM LIKES POPCORN so we encouraged her to make some instead
of contemplating aforementioned questions. She turned off "FLEDGE WATCH" then fell right to sleep.
and we vowed never to let Big Questions crowd our little brains ever again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Plato's Part has been performed by YumYum during this evening's performance of: "What Is The
Meaning of Life" and we thank you for attending.
Dear Readers,
A very good Monday morning and a tip 'o the hat to ya's! Yes, it's more pics of the owlets and MOD news because this is probably the last week of fledging and we want you to be there with us as we wistfully watch our lil owlets fly the coop!
Also, Edwin is coming for the holiday weekend and we'll be busy! Mom asks him over and over not to do this, but he has
learned the "Wheeking" sound and that it gets us all Wheeking loudly with him, skittering to and fro in anticipation of
fresh treats, our litter scattering all over the newly vacuumed floor! We really love it when Edwin is here, because then
she finds HIM annoying instead of us!
She says, "EDWIN! I asked you not to get them all like that!" and he says, "But I'm Edwin!" then he gives us our treats
and promises to come back once mom least expects it. We all Wheek loudly and he always rewards our bad behavior!
Now THAT'S somebody we can relate to!
So, this will be Molly's Owl Box week, then EdwinBad Weekend, then, who knows? Parades? Street Revivals about
being saved by rappers on Saturday nights? (Yes, we think that is weekly, thank goodness our apartment faces the
opposite side) and more parades and art celebrations and fun, loud, littleCity of Bellingham stuff. We are slowly
growing to enjoy the oddity of urban life. Mom turns to us now for solace, instead of gazing out at the marsh, the hills,
the enlarging beaver lodge, the eagle's nest: It's all about US now! And she appreciates us so much more since we are
now her "nature fix" so more treats. In fact, she has started mini garden hot-boxes to speed up the rate of our wheat
grass crops!
Yes, it's the good life here at PandaPigSanctuary, with the exception of still grieving for Panda and Bear. We miss them.
So, it's up to the Mahals to cheer us up, so read on and discover just how bad they really are! And that cheers ME up!
your favorite guinea pig in the world, the Universe, and throughout every Dimension in Creation,
humble YumYum
A very good Monday morning and a tip 'o the hat to ya's! Yes, it's more pics of the owlets and MOD news because this is probably the last week of fledging and we want you to be there with us as we wistfully watch our lil owlets fly the coop!
Also, Edwin is coming for the holiday weekend and we'll be busy! Mom asks him over and over not to do this, but he has
learned the "Wheeking" sound and that it gets us all Wheeking loudly with him, skittering to and fro in anticipation of
fresh treats, our litter scattering all over the newly vacuumed floor! We really love it when Edwin is here, because then
she finds HIM annoying instead of us!
She says, "EDWIN! I asked you not to get them all like that!" and he says, "But I'm Edwin!" then he gives us our treats
and promises to come back once mom least expects it. We all Wheek loudly and he always rewards our bad behavior!
Now THAT'S somebody we can relate to!
So, this will be Molly's Owl Box week, then EdwinBad Weekend, then, who knows? Parades? Street Revivals about
being saved by rappers on Saturday nights? (Yes, we think that is weekly, thank goodness our apartment faces the
opposite side) and more parades and art celebrations and fun, loud, littleCity of Bellingham stuff. We are slowly
growing to enjoy the oddity of urban life. Mom turns to us now for solace, instead of gazing out at the marsh, the hills,
the enlarging beaver lodge, the eagle's nest: It's all about US now! And she appreciates us so much more since we are
now her "nature fix" so more treats. In fact, she has started mini garden hot-boxes to speed up the rate of our wheat
grass crops!
Yes, it's the good life here at PandaPigSanctuary, with the exception of still grieving for Panda and Bear. We miss them.
So, it's up to the Mahals to cheer us up, so read on and discover just how bad they really are! And that cheers ME up!
your favorite guinea pig in the world, the Universe, and throughout every Dimension in Creation,
humble YumYum
4d5q8344-were-watching-you4.jpg (JPEG Image, 3300x2550 pixels) - Scaled (30%)
4d5q8344-were-watching-you4.jpg (JPEG Image, 3300x2550 pixels) - Scaled (30%)
Dear Readers,
Mom has turned us all into MODS now...how do we know? Because last night the owlets conducted their first successful hunt, and when one of them took a (we did not watch this part) headless mouse into the OwlBox to share with fuzzy, little bro, Wesley, who hasn't even hopped out yet, we were so proud of them for sharing.
Do we share with one another?
You should see the Mahals snatch food right out of each others' mouths WHILE the other one is eating!
They are absolutely incorrigible! I watch from my perch atop the loft, sitting supremely upon my ferret
sleeping bag, observing their "sharing" and am appalled!
(so it makes me giggle...they're so bad that mom thinks I'M THE "GOOD ONE" NOW, can you believe THAT?)
YUP! Despite the three "tattoos" (NOTE FROM EDITOR: scars) that mom wears proudly on her right
hand, she now considers ME, YUM-YUM, the "good pig" and....hee-hee
hee-heee-hee, i just have to WHHHHEEEEEEkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! that's so funny and surprising!
Watching the OwlBox has given me GoodPig status, so if we have all become MODS, I'm all for it,
until/unless/if anyone flies by with a kitten in talons, then (and mom agrees) WE ARE DONE!
so far, only wabbits, gophers, mice, and we don't watch, we just TWITTER our pretty little selves
all over the place.
mom said she knew we'd become MODS once we began referring to our toenails as talons!
mom not well, so off to make her laugh now with my abundance of "goodness"
(not well, and deluded!)
i am seriously considering a name change from YumYum to Captain Jack Sparrow.
but then it would take a long time to say good bye to all of you dear readers and friends,
capt. jack sparrow aka YumYum (yeah, too long)
Dear Readers,
Mom has turned us all into MODS now...how do we know? Because last night the owlets conducted their first successful hunt, and when one of them took a (we did not watch this part) headless mouse into the OwlBox to share with fuzzy, little bro, Wesley, who hasn't even hopped out yet, we were so proud of them for sharing.
Do we share with one another?
You should see the Mahals snatch food right out of each others' mouths WHILE the other one is eating!
They are absolutely incorrigible! I watch from my perch atop the loft, sitting supremely upon my ferret
sleeping bag, observing their "sharing" and am appalled!
(so it makes me giggle...they're so bad that mom thinks I'M THE "GOOD ONE" NOW, can you believe THAT?)
YUP! Despite the three "tattoos" (NOTE FROM EDITOR: scars) that mom wears proudly on her right
hand, she now considers ME, YUM-YUM, the "good pig" and....hee-hee
hee-heee-hee, i just have to WHHHHEEEEEEkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! that's so funny and surprising!
Watching the OwlBox has given me GoodPig status, so if we have all become MODS, I'm all for it,
until/unless/if anyone flies by with a kitten in talons, then (and mom agrees) WE ARE DONE!
so far, only wabbits, gophers, mice, and we don't watch, we just TWITTER our pretty little selves
all over the place.
mom said she knew we'd become MODS once we began referring to our toenails as talons!
mom not well, so off to make her laugh now with my abundance of "goodness"
(not well, and deluded!)
i am seriously considering a name change from YumYum to Captain Jack Sparrow.
but then it would take a long time to say good bye to all of you dear readers and friends,
capt. jack sparrow aka YumYum (yeah, too long)
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