Townwend and Chai, my best friend, did lots of cuddling until Chai finally found the perfect spot next to her on his favorite blanket and the two became one.
"Who can know what effect our smallest acts of kindness may have on others? Perhaps the most important contribution of Mother Teresa, who serves the most destitute and neglected, is that she instills in those who have been abandoned the realization that they too are loved." ~ Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj ~ Panda Pig's Peace Sanctuary exists so that abandoned, neglected, sick, and dying guinea pigs may experience that they, too, are cherished and loved!
Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Until One Has Loved an Animal...
Townwend and Chai, my best friend, did lots of cuddling until Chai finally found the perfect spot next to her on his favorite blanket and the two became one.
Did we mention YumYum wants to Speedskate in the 2010 Olympics?
Mom said only to say nice things about each other so I mean this in the nicest way EVER, but YumYum has freakishly long feet; that's how he can climb and jump in and out of his (AND OTHERS') CAGES!
THIS AFTERNOON, YumYum speaks in his outdoor voice:
"I WANT! I WANT!" he's screaming in glee that his long rabbit-feet and toes might fit into mom's speedskates and he could represent the Guinea Pig Nation at the 2010 Winter Olympics. So, he's begging mom for a chance to try them on!
"You'll just eat the laces," said she, pointing to OtherThings Bitten which destroyed her electric blanket and the strings that makes the blinds go up and down and- well, you get the idea.
"WHEEEEK! WHEEEEEEEEK!" he insists. His voice can get shrill and hysterical if he feels unheard.
"Dear Yummy, you little funny thing, the sun has gone down and I am tired and don't much feel like playing anymore with your long feet or those long teeth (that story we'll save for later, real real later), why not ask me again in the morning, OK?"
"What? What? What did she say? What does that mean?" he is chatting and chutting up a storm. I better go chew my cage bars now and distract him. Bear is playing turtle with the low-lying cardboard boxes in his cage and I'll tell you all about the "Turtle Game" when I introduce Bear, the BeaverPig. Meanwhile, keep your long toes and teeth away from mom's skates, Yummy, because if you eat her laces she might get menopausal and we'll never hear the end of it then!
THIS AFTERNOON, YumYum speaks in his outdoor voice:
"I WANT! I WANT!" he's screaming in glee that his long rabbit-feet and toes might fit into mom's speedskates and he could represent the Guinea Pig Nation at the 2010 Winter Olympics. So, he's begging mom for a chance to try them on!
"You'll just eat the laces," said she, pointing to OtherThings Bitten which destroyed her electric blanket and the strings that makes the blinds go up and down and- well, you get the idea.
"WHEEEEK! WHEEEEEEEEK!" he insists. His voice can get shrill and hysterical if he feels unheard.
"Dear Yummy, you little funny thing, the sun has gone down and I am tired and don't much feel like playing anymore with your long feet or those long teeth (that story we'll save for later, real real later), why not ask me again in the morning, OK?"
"What? What? What did she say? What does that mean?" he is chatting and chutting up a storm. I better go chew my cage bars now and distract him. Bear is playing turtle with the low-lying cardboard boxes in his cage and I'll tell you all about the "Turtle Game" when I introduce Bear, the BeaverPig. Meanwhile, keep your long toes and teeth away from mom's skates, Yummy, because if you eat her laces she might get menopausal and we'll never hear the end of it then!
Meet YumYum! Youngest member of "The Herd that Hears"
Gentle Readers,
In time, you will be meeting all those who belong to the "Herd that Hears"...because we are deep listeners with acute hearing. Meet young YumYum learning a new thing. Mom helped YumYum by encouraging him between giggles, "You can do it, Yummy, YOU CAN DO IT!" finally he did and now he can get in and out of his cage all by himself and he is so proud to be YumYum! We love him. He has a top-notch and a mohawk running down his back so he thinks he's "all that and a bag of chips" and acts all cool until he gets nervous and scared then starts squealing like a baby pig...not yet a Big pig, no longer a Little pig, he's in that awkward phase. Bear and I tell "Yummy" stories and giggle when we think he doesn't hear us.
In time, you will be meeting all those who belong to the "Herd that Hears"...because we are deep listeners with acute hearing. Meet young YumYum learning a new thing. Mom helped YumYum by encouraging him between giggles, "You can do it, Yummy, YOU CAN DO IT!" finally he did and now he can get in and out of his cage all by himself and he is so proud to be YumYum! We love him. He has a top-notch and a mohawk running down his back so he thinks he's "all that and a bag of chips" and acts all cool until he gets nervous and scared then starts squealing like a baby pig...not yet a Big pig, no longer a Little pig, he's in that awkward phase. Bear and I tell "Yummy" stories and giggle when we think he doesn't hear us.
The Rainbow Inside
Dear Kind Readers,
Today the sun came out and we piggies went "WHEEEEK!" all morning for attention, love, and food! Bear the Beaver Pig is the only one who actually loves lying in that warm sun but we love it because mom gets happy and plays music and dances and it's when we get to have our way, that's what we do when mom is happy. So, sun="WHEEEEEEK! WHEEEEEK!" and mom danced to Rufous Wainwright singing "Hallelujah" from "Shrek" and she cried feeding us because sometimes she feels God smiling when she tends to little ones and then she just bawls her eyes out in joy. Sumpin' wrong wid dat lady but she's mom! And we love our sunny days! Blessings to all and may the sun light the way for all your little feets and toesies as we journey through Life, so beautiful. Thank you, artist/spiritual friend of ours with the blog TALKING 37th DREAM WITH RAINBOW (RUMORS OF PEACE) for playing "Hallelujah" because that's mom's favorite song and "Shrek" is OUR favorite movie! WE ARE ALL OGRES: "WHHEEEEEK!"
Today the sun came out and we piggies went "WHEEEEK!" all morning for attention, love, and food! Bear the Beaver Pig is the only one who actually loves lying in that warm sun but we love it because mom gets happy and plays music and dances and it's when we get to have our way, that's what we do when mom is happy. So, sun="WHEEEEEEK! WHEEEEEK!" and mom danced to Rufous Wainwright singing "Hallelujah" from "Shrek" and she cried feeding us because sometimes she feels God smiling when she tends to little ones and then she just bawls her eyes out in joy. Sumpin' wrong wid dat lady but she's mom! And we love our sunny days! Blessings to all and may the sun light the way for all your little feets and toesies as we journey through Life, so beautiful. Thank you, artist/spiritual friend of ours with the blog TALKING 37th DREAM WITH RAINBOW (RUMORS OF PEACE) for playing "Hallelujah" because that's mom's favorite song and "Shrek" is OUR favorite movie! WE ARE ALL OGRES: "WHHEEEEEK!"
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