We take our first bite, taking the time to fully
savor its flavor, texture, softness...mmmm.
There is no hurry, we linger in the moment.
savor its flavor, texture, softness...mmmm.
There is no hurry, we linger in the moment.
As a reward for our gratitude and mindfulness,
we are gifted more banana by the Universe.
We are humbled.
we are gifted more banana by the Universe.
We are humbled.
We are not frustrated the whole piece won't
fit in our mouth in one bite. We are patient;
allowing the moment to unfold in a way
which we have faith is best for us.
fit in our mouth in one bite. We are patient;
allowing the moment to unfold in a way
which we have faith is best for us.
Relax and become ONE with the Big Banana...
Visualize it in smaller bite-size pieces, like how we
divide up large tasks into small ones...like escaping
Runabout & Peeing where Vinni and Yum-Yum have been
on their Runabouts to let 'em know who's boss!
Allow our eating and mischief to flow like a gentle stream
slowly towards the calm oceans of peace within.
We let go any thoughts of aggression about climbing into
Vinni's cage and peeing and pooh-ing it just to annoy him.
Visualize it in smaller bite-size pieces, like how we
divide up large tasks into small ones...like escaping
Runabout & Peeing where Vinni and Yum-Yum have been
on their Runabouts to let 'em know who's boss!
Allow our eating and mischief to flow like a gentle stream
slowly towards the calm oceans of peace within.
We let go any thoughts of aggression about climbing into
Vinni's cage and peeing and pooh-ing it just to annoy him.
Content in mind, body, and spirit by our
mindful banana-eating practice,
we leave the scene of the crime - I mean
the SacredBananaBreakfastSpot very slowly,
counting each in-breath & out-breath,
thanking the universe for banana to sustain both our
upper SharkTail and lower "man parts" now
jiggle and juggling above & beneath us as we waddle
mindfully off to digest our spiritual food before
carefully practicing each Balance Beam maneuver
we will perform in the 2012 London OlympiGz!
Be Calm, my friends, Be Like Bhindi...

mindful banana-eating practice,
we leave the scene of the crime - I mean
the SacredBananaBreakfastSpot very slowly,
counting each in-breath & out-breath,
thanking the universe for banana to sustain both our
upper SharkTail and lower "man parts" now
jiggle and juggling above & beneath us as we waddle
mindfully off to digest our spiritual food before
carefully practicing each Balance Beam maneuver
we will perform in the 2012 London OlympiGz!
Be Calm, my friends, Be Like Bhindi...