Our Special OLYMPIG Coverage
Begins NOW!
Our next two posts explain the
Miracle who will be carrying this
flag for our country in the
London 2012 Olympics!
our entire editorial staff:
YumYum, Bhindi, VinnyGuinea,
& Special London correspondent
Peter-Peanut who, with Fairy, will
be co-hosting our ongoing coverage
of Daniel Craig's leap from a helicopter
with his flight suit full of guinea pigs
and Special Orders issued directly from
HRM The Queen into Olympic Stadium!
So, stay TUNED!

Begins NOW!
Our next two posts explain the
Miracle who will be carrying this
flag for our country in the
London 2012 Olympics!
our entire editorial staff:
YumYum, Bhindi, VinnyGuinea,
& Special London correspondent
Peter-Peanut who, with Fairy, will
be co-hosting our ongoing coverage
of Daniel Craig's leap from a helicopter
with his flight suit full of guinea pigs
and Special Orders issued directly from
HRM The Queen into Olympic Stadium!
So, stay TUNED!