But ma, I'm not sleepy!
Me, neither, I shall graze all night long
beneath no one's watchful eye. So there!
Well, I'm not only ready for bed I am
already in it...even old Pirates need
their beauty sleep. How handsome
is "all this" I ask you?!
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
"Good night, my darlings, last scrunchies
for the evening...now Bhindi let Peter Peanut
get some love, too, O.K. sweetheart?"
"Lil'Peter, I'll bring you to bed with me, how
does that sound?"
"It sounds real good, ma, we haven't been
doing that since you get in our pens with us
now, but...do I look fat?"
"No, sweetheart, you are perfect!"
"Then who is MUFFIN-TOP everybody is
giggling about? And they also say she got
a haircut that was WAY TOO SHORT so
well...just curious, ma, what's it all mean?"
"It means you may be moving back in with
me to keep you from hearing such
blasphemous rhetorical propaganda!"
good night, world.we love you.

Good morning, piggies! Now Peter
you share with your brother and don't
be giving ma the "evil eye" again!
There's plenty enough for all.
"Awe, ma, I love getting petted while
I share my breakfast with big, fat,
ginourmous, Bhindi-Saurus-Rex...
YOU CALL ME? Ma, did
Peter call me a good thing or
a bad thing?"
"Bhindi, he called you a
wondrous thing, indeed, and
your heart is as big as all that, too!
So loverly thou art!"
"O.K. ma, thanks then. I love you."
"I love you, too, and so does PETER."
AWE...noms and love for VinnyGuinea!
"Hey, ma, look at all the loot I got
this morning!!! SQUEEEEE!"
"Sweetheart, the swarthiest Pirate Pig ya
may be, this isn't staying in your pen one
more minute and you know it! Time for
your morning nap anyway, isn't it?"
"You can't have it!"
"Think about this then: The swarthiest Pirate
Pig atop his Pirate ship plying the rough waters
and you get diarrhea just as you board another
ship to plunder all their noms! You like that?"
"Have a nice nap, YumYum, see ya later,
you know we love you."
"Diarrhea? Seriously?"
"Sweet dreams."
From the Editor: We apologize for the green print,
now that we have seen it we realize it is not only
unreadable but gives us a headache! Sorry, won't
use it again. Also, the piggies do not get ALL of
the food you see in the pictures, they get the thought
of getting all the food you see in the pictures but
usually stop eating on their own once they are full
or I take it away once they have had enough.
It is handy since all breakfasts are now done
with them on my lap or at least I am in their
living space petting and scrunching them and
loving them so this prevents having to get up
and down for each piggy's different meals.
If it doesn't make sense to you, don't worry,
it doesn't make sense to me, either.

Peter Peanut is still on baby guinea pig
pellets but has decided to use that bowl
as leverage to get to Bhindi's special
treat bowl. Meanwhile, when Peter Peanut
is not sitting in his baby pellet bowl,
Bhindi scarfs it down so it must taste
better to him than BigPigPellets!
Funny, Silly, Guinea Pigs ~
making us laugh every day and night!