Toronto breaking news/twitter/CANADA - Have you heard/watched Molly's "OWLBOX" yet, it's very cool....
Molly is now "Breaking News" in Toronto, Canada, and we feel this kind of news makes our world happier!
Also, mom has been spending time with Taj Mahal on her lap and we now feel he has "lap-pig" potential,
especially once the Mahals are says he is very, very soft, that both Mahals seem to be
"silkies" and even though I may not be a "silkie" being YumYum is good enough for ME!
Mom says better than "good enough" that I am WONDERFUL.
Even if I am not breaking news in Toronto, I am always breaking things here in Bellingham!
p.s. we are having winter storms here like crazy, and last night felt like November! Raja said because we
moved from Wildlife Sanctuary to city and Nature throwing a temper tantrum....dunno, just that mom
nearly got blown off her walker last night when the wind whipped inside the hood of her jacket, turning
it into a parachute! You should've seen her hair! Maybe zombie hair.
See you's guys later!
"Who can know what effect our smallest acts of kindness may have on others? Perhaps the most important contribution of Mother Teresa, who serves the most destitute and neglected, is that she instills in those who have been abandoned the realization that they too are loved." ~ Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj ~ Panda Pig's Peace Sanctuary exists so that abandoned, neglected, sick, and dying guinea pigs may experience that they, too, are cherished and loved!
Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!
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