SLIDESHOW: Animals Play In Monday's Snow - Photos - KIRO Seattle <>
"Who can know what effect our smallest acts of kindness may have on others? Perhaps the most important contribution of Mother Teresa, who serves the most destitute and neglected, is that she instills in those who have been abandoned the realization that they too are loved." ~ Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj ~ Panda Pig's Peace Sanctuary exists so that abandoned, neglected, sick, and dying guinea pigs may experience that they, too, are cherished and loved!
Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
SLIDESHOW: Animals Play In Monday's Snow - Photos - KIRO Seattle
Hi Everybody,
Here's a tribute to the ANIMALS! Mom went off across the frozen tundra with the walker
and came home with our Thanksgiving hay, extra bags of food, lots of fresh, organic veggies,
and enough bedding and litter to keep us warm and dry because weThinks it gonna snow
again tomorrow.
We are the lucky ones who still have power, because we sneeze below 68 degrees, so mom
hath decreed that, should we lose power, we will be assigned sleeping bags according to who
gets along with whom and she will probably rue the day...and never be able to use them again,
but not rue the morning when we wake up warm, safe, and ALIVE! So we do have a power
loss emergency plan, and hope never to need it!
Here's to all of our near and dear readers and friends!
We love you all.
6 Cozy Arctic Cavies
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