Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 Precious Yum-Yum and I are fighting the good fight: ageing with illness. One of our faithful readers, Ms. A, author of blog on our list "Sarcastic Granny" just discovered a passion she never knew she had for photography. Please check it out, she just picked up a camera not too long ago and WOW!

I just rediscovered drumming, having not played in a rock & roll band since 1973. (Edwin and I played Japanese TAIKO drums about ten years ago) and I worked as a photographer for a few Asian newspapers when we still lived together in Seattle...That was a really cool combination of my love for martial arts and percussion.  Yet, returning to my earliest musical "roots" has been wonderful because I discovered what "body memory" is, and that I can still play my band's playlist. NOW THAT brings me back to life: A percussive-not-concussive FIRE AND PASSION
even illness and traumatic brain injury left untouched!

And Yum-Yum, WOW! He has been with me from "before the FALLS" when we still lived at the Wildlife Refuge with our bengal cat, Chai, and has nurtured every guinea pig we have taken in since then...he was actually mentored by PandaPig himself! He fights for his life with courage, passion, and a spiritual dignity I don't come close to: rarely EVER
will you hear him cry out in pain. Animals are hard-wired to do that because if a predator finds a weak one, they become a meal real quick and guinea pigs, or cavies, are wild herd animals who live in the Andes of South America. They once roamed free but now are probably all domesticated for food.

I wish I had known sooner how much pain Yum-Yum has been in...but we know now and are treating him.

But possibly more than anything is my love for photography and nature. Seeing our friend, Ms. A and our friend, Giz (Gizmomma World, also on our blogs list) discover hidden gifts is...well, it's GOOD.

It's REALLY Good!

 Giz is fighting the good fight, too, yet capturing nature as if she just awoke to a new Morning! Who amongst us, young or old, isn't in some way struggling to find our way through life towards that Beautiful Day?  
Yet, for those ageing and dying: this post is dedicated to you. We pray that these days of challenge include the beauty and color of wisdom acquired from overcoming our personal challenges as they paint our world with hues of Sunsets not ready to fade...only getting deeper and richer as we are carried onward to that HEAVENLY Horizon.
With Godspeed. "Endeavor" on.
{Thank you, Rashmi, for inspiring this post.}
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  1. Thank you for the shout out. Your encouragement continues to inspire me. Having the camera has also inspired me to look at things a little differently and also to take a second look at things I normally wouldn't have taken the time to think twice about and has brought some enjoyment to life that I've been seriously missing.

  2. And having your camera has also inspired Us to look at things differently and brings TREMENDOUS JOY THAT WE CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF. It's like one minute you're a Sarcastic Granny then suddenly this Ansel Adams spurts out and I think: "Hey, if THIS IS GETTING OLDER, Lemme at it!" Everyone, check out "Sarcastic Granny" cuz her blog is anything BUT sarcastic or "granny" when that woman has a camera in her hands! She's young, inquisitive, passionate, and sees the beauty in small things we otherwise might also never take a second to look at twice!

  3. Thank you for my shout out too. I haven't been doing too much photography lately because my hands shake so much but if it is something that stays still i can use the tripod and timer.

    Beautiful and inspired blog. Good job.

