Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wedding Planner, We Have a Problem!

Dear Wedding Planner, MariFUN,

It's not like I'm a snitch or anything - far from it, Aaarh! - but MacNutPie went behind your back for his wedding tuxedo! Now what Coco gonna wear? Chanel #5?

You didn't here it from me!

Sincerely Your,
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  1. Ruh Roh! Maybe Coco can wear one of those off the shoulder thingies like the grrrl in Pirates of the Caribbean? Hubba Hubba!

  2. %&$ #@ @ *&%$#@%$ #@! &^% $#% %% T%%$ ^$&%#(~# &$+@???

  3. Cute indeed! But ARrggh! We thinks the wedding
    planner done took a long walk off a short gangplank in frustration...she put a lot of work
    into this. And now the ungrateful rodents have gone all PIRATE on her...I am so embarrassed
    to call m'self "mom" o'the widdle betrotheds-to-be...gonna crawl under a rock and grow moss now.
