"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
~ Gandhi
Guinea pigs are non-violent. Sometimes. We can be. If we want.
Sometimes we just don't want. Sometimes another piggie got a
bigger piece of lettuce and it is incumbent upon us to steal it.
Sometimes a new guinea pig moves in and we need to illustrate
the "pecking order" of our welcoming Brotherhood...
by pecking at him. Coconut's "Sisterhood" does not peck, but she
the only member: Pretty sure she da boss of MacNutPie, though!
Hey, we ain't Mahatmas but we sure love mom and each other.
{EDITOR: "I gotta scar on my hand that says otherwise...}
Mom, nobody likes a whiner. Just pet us and say good-night.
"Good night, you good-natured little darlin's you."
See how easy that was? Sweet dreams, y'all!
~ Gandhi
Guinea pigs are non-violent. Sometimes. We can be. If we want.
Sometimes we just don't want. Sometimes another piggie got a
bigger piece of lettuce and it is incumbent upon us to steal it.
Sometimes a new guinea pig moves in and we need to illustrate
the "pecking order" of our welcoming Brotherhood...
by pecking at him. Coconut's "Sisterhood" does not peck, but she
the only member: Pretty sure she da boss of MacNutPie, though!
Hey, we ain't Mahatmas but we sure love mom and each other.
{EDITOR: "I gotta scar on my hand that says otherwise...}
Mom, nobody likes a whiner. Just pet us and say good-night.
"Good night, you good-natured little darlin's you."
See how easy that was? Sweet dreams, y'all!