Our favorite thing to do before bed is to wear mom out so she sleeps well! After all, we are her "therapy pigs" (since this is - HA! HA! - supposed to be a pet-free building despite all the cats, dogs, doves, parakeets, other guinea pigs SQUEE! and it's like Noah's Ark around here, so mom said we were therapy animals, yeah, that us!) and, as therapy, we runabout and play with her before bed...it's all of us being happy together at the end of the day, just being together, getting combed out, fed, chin-scrunchies, ear massages, and a good chase that leads to deep sleep! We
love how mom hides treats in our cuddle cups, tunnels, winter fairy-huts, and so we also get to play "treasure hunt" then "steal the treasure" then "steal the treasure back" and well, you get the idea! Sometimes mom falls asleep too soon...then we give her a bit o'"WHAT FOR!" in the morning, but it's all good because we have each other, and our guineaFriends, Fairy and Millie Bea. A soothing way to end the day with one another and fun.