"We like it here, we are happy, we are staying, and we will find a way, case closed, period, hasta la vista, baby, to all doomsayers!" p.s. we're finding mom a good ole fashion ambulance-chasing lawyer!
Couple a letters from him and maybe her doctors might discover they actually DO have the TIME to check the little boxes that would get her a motorized wheelchair, scooter, and things she needs to live independently
and get to the market (only 2 blocks away - geez! but uphill) for our treats! We are gonna kick some
medical BUTT and Kick It Good! We here, we may seem queer, so we just sneer, get away from here!
Favorite Zen Saying: "Fall down seven times, get up eight."
Mom could not do this on her own but she got us, friends, and MODS: we shall RISE AGAIN! WheeeeeK! We loves our Rebellions! Wheeeeek!!!!
"Who can know what effect our smallest acts of kindness may have on others? Perhaps the most important contribution of Mother Teresa, who serves the most destitute and neglected, is that she instills in those who have been abandoned the realization that they too are loved." ~ Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj ~ Panda Pig's Peace Sanctuary exists so that abandoned, neglected, sick, and dying guinea pigs may experience that they, too, are cherished and loved!