Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


WHEN THE ART-I-CANE SWEEPS THROUGH, mom pulls out every bit of salvaged paper, bark, string, and whatever we haven't eaten, paints, folds, glues, and sticks it all together because she needs to get her mojo flowin' again. Everything in these salvaged from the forest floor after our 100 mph + windstorms except the stuff she found somewhere else. She colored the paper by throwing paint into a sink full of water, throwing paper into the sinkfull of painted water, then smashing it all up, then folding or rolling or crinkling or doing whatever she needs to keep us from finding and eating it.

Mom, it real nice but where the BEWILDERED MOOSE? Or...might that be...?

Oh, nothing, gettin' too close to dinnertime to go there!
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