YOU would think Bhindi-Shark-Fin would be thrilled to
see lil'Vinny finally get his own BigCage because it's
designed with a two-door castle and cuddle tunnels he
can race through at full speed, popcorning with GLEE
squealing in pure JOY while his cage is both adjacent and
attached to Bhindi and YumYum's so they can even steal
one another's fresh timothy hay, nuzzle noses, rumblestrut,
and, well, have it all!
Bhindi Shark Fin even got a long runabout tonight
while Vinny's cage was being put together and done
"just so" for the lil'Piglet nobody wants to live with...
And Vinny's been in a makeshift runabout fencing cage
for about four days, so finally he's free to be all he can be:
VinnyGuinea, Speedy Gonzales, super-scooting-
Now Bhindi Shark-Fin wants to chew through the
bars of his own exclusive designer man-cave to conquer
Vinny's first ever home to expand his Shark-Fin EMPIRE!
Little Fairy, buyer beware. We know you have
developed a small crush on Bhindi Shark-Fin,
but aren't you Brit cavies well-mannered and polite?
Now all three cages are adjacent and touching,
they can even rub noses, rumblestrut, and race parallel
to one another...their hay bins, food bowls,
and mini hay bales are also parallel, so
whatever one is doing, the others can happily
jump in and they can still be together, just safely!
We have noticed a definite slow-down in
YumYum which dearly hope is a characteristic
of old age, as he could still tear the fur outta
Vinny and lunge at SharkFin in the blink of
an eye, and he's eating and drinking, but
he is less active, so we're giving extra love
and keeping an eye out, still a little terrified
about exposure to that incurable pneumonia,
feeling that if it was going to show symptoms,
he would have already. Yummy has to be
between 5-7 years old already and he is
happy and purrs, loves his scritchy-scratches,
rolls over on his side and kicks his feet out
in delight...just quiet is all. And in the
company of gregarious, unneutered young bucks
gunning to take over the role of Alpha Male.
Not gonna happen.
Sweet Dreams to all of you!
We love you.
see lil'Vinny finally get his own BigCage because it's
designed with a two-door castle and cuddle tunnels he
can race through at full speed, popcorning with GLEE
squealing in pure JOY while his cage is both adjacent and
attached to Bhindi and YumYum's so they can even steal
one another's fresh timothy hay, nuzzle noses, rumblestrut,
and, well, have it all!
Bhindi Shark Fin even got a long runabout tonight
while Vinny's cage was being put together and done
"just so" for the lil'Piglet nobody wants to live with...
And Vinny's been in a makeshift runabout fencing cage
for about four days, so finally he's free to be all he can be:
VinnyGuinea, Speedy Gonzales, super-scooting-
Now Bhindi Shark-Fin wants to chew through the
bars of his own exclusive designer man-cave to conquer
Vinny's first ever home to expand his Shark-Fin EMPIRE!
Little Fairy, buyer beware. We know you have
developed a small crush on Bhindi Shark-Fin,
but aren't you Brit cavies well-mannered and polite?
Now all three cages are adjacent and touching,
they can even rub noses, rumblestrut, and race parallel
to one another...their hay bins, food bowls,
and mini hay bales are also parallel, so
whatever one is doing, the others can happily
jump in and they can still be together, just safely!
We have noticed a definite slow-down in
YumYum which dearly hope is a characteristic
of old age, as he could still tear the fur outta
Vinny and lunge at SharkFin in the blink of
an eye, and he's eating and drinking, but
he is less active, so we're giving extra love
and keeping an eye out, still a little terrified
about exposure to that incurable pneumonia,
feeling that if it was going to show symptoms,
he would have already. Yummy has to be
between 5-7 years old already and he is
happy and purrs, loves his scritchy-scratches,
rolls over on his side and kicks his feet out
in delight...just quiet is all. And in the
company of gregarious, unneutered young bucks
gunning to take over the role of Alpha Male.
Not gonna happen.
Sweet Dreams to all of you!
We love you.