Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ani Banani! You don't look a day over MAHVELOUS!

We could not have found an apartment and moved
without Ann! At the same time she herself is preparing to move, interviewing perspective realtors to "stage" her own home for sale, she set up a cozy bed for me and and the piggies made a
little "fort" around it, so that we had a place to stay in Seattle. She made us lattes for breakfast every morning and we watched re-runs of the first season of "Grey's Anatomy" to remind me if I don't like any of the hospitals in Seattle there's always 
"Seattle Grace Hospital" and Dr. McDreamy, who just bought Tully's Coffee Company in Seattle, so we are sure to spend lots of quality time together!
But this is about ANN'S BIRTHDAY:
TODAY! So, Ani-Banani, this blog post
is for YOU! From Sir Dominic your Italian
Greyhound to Princess Camille sunning her precious old self to a grateful Bhindi-boy,
we are so fortunate to call you "friend" and
wish you all the best in your new home (only
blocks from her current home) and keep the
Latte steamer ready, cuz we be coming back
for Season 2 of Dr. McDreamy!

And a new life begins for you, too, Ann!
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