Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


YumYum whispered through the hay that Paul senses mom considering a name change for us Mahals!

Eeeek! Why? Paul said that mom won't admit it, but most of the time she can't remember who is Raj
and who is Taj and now that we are becoming tame it is time to call us by names we also recognize and
that Raj and Taj sound too much alike. Paul said she recently found our original adoption papers and
one of us was named "Cooper" and, although she's not sure which one that is, she likes the name for

Dear Readers,
Please ask mom to accept her cognitive brain-fog with grace and LEAVE US OUT OF IT! We are Raj
and Taj Mahal and what - is she gonna start calling me "Jack" or something? (Paul sensed she was
thinking of just calling me "Brown" since it's a name she would not forget.)  I've always been brown!
But I am also Taj Mahal, and will not respond to "Brown" as it is not dignified enough for a swirly, silky
Abyssianian as gorgeous, special, and humble as me!

Taj Mahal and please tell mom you love us the way we are. Many gracious thanks. MAHALS 4EVER!
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