Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Dear Friends. We haz had it now!
Mom went to the Post Office and was completely surprised to find a package waiting for her.
A package containing something that can only bode badly for we wee piggies and our Peace of Mind.
She pulled it out, and surprised, exclaimed, "Uh-Oh, I guess I pressed SEND!"
She promises us she did not remember.
But we told you about this a few posts back.
She had already forgotten what we have been dreading...
The "Learn to Bollywood" Fitness and Dance Instructional Video video with Pallavi, Volume ONE (there's MORE?)

We doesn't know what "Dhoom Taana" means in Hindi, but mom don't know what "Doomed Chana" means in
GuineaPigSpeak, either...

Nothing good can come from this. Nuttin'!
Help us, won't you? Please, she got (muffin-top) and what she gonna wear? Like, wrap a sheet 'round h'self and ---
stop the madness. Before it too late.
Taj Mahal
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  1. Taj, you need to learn to use a video camera!

  2. And have EVERYONE turn into pillars of salt?
    Are you kidding? We are martyrs because it is
    our fate, but would NEVAH, EVAH inflict this
    torturous suffering upon our friends...
    worse than waterboarding, we knows it is...
    Tell NOBODY!
