Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


YouTube - Swarm catch June 3 2011 001

On Sundays mom goes up to the Birch Bay Meditation Center
to meditate,  visit with friends, and eat honey! One of the guiding
principles of the Meditation Center is nonviolence, vegetarianism,
and love for all living beings. O.K. make that three principles. And
there are more, but this story is about bees!

So, when people call the exterminator to kill bees, who do the exterminators
call? Ron, "The Swarminator!" And instead of killing bees which are
so rapidly disappearing from our planet (sad, but true) Ron "catches
the swarm" and takes them back to the Birch Bay Meditation Center
to their very own hive, near their spectacular organic garden, acres
of stunning wild fields and forests with a view overlooking the San
Juan Islands! A great place to meditate. A great place to be a bee, too!
Plus, we know there is a bald eagle's nest there, for eagles soar high
above us on the thermals...into the heavens above earth, sea, and sky!

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