Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Friday, August 12, 2011

I'll Have a Latte With FOUR Piggies, Please

Mom been havin' a so-so week and we wanted to surprise her so Coconut had four babies this morning and we put them in her espresso cups and when she woke up she was...well, surprised might not be the word but we can't exactly print THE WORD here, so, just imagine four baby guinea pigs on a LOT of caffeine (they had to drink it before they fit in the cups, DRrrrrr!) and...pray for mom.
(It was her lattes.)

We won't. We thought it was funny!

O.K. so it's a plan, not yet hatched, but it gonna if glassy-bone Calvin getZ ahold o'Coconut which he
nearly did when mom had to clean cages wid such a bad migraine she put them all in the same cage
cuz she that what we call a BIG OOPSIE GONNA CALL!

Calvin may be glassy-boney but still got cajones!

Peace Out,
YumYum, Spinal Fusela ExtraOrdinaire
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