Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Monday, December 5, 2011

If We HAD Tails They Would Be Fairy Tales!

Since mom is still "with migraine" she let us watch one of our all-time favourite (note the proper British spelling, Fairy?) movies she got us from Netflix! We love Fairies, always have, always well, and elves, unicorns, and PIRATES! It means we can't watch "Peter Pan" due to a conflict-of-interest and we have to recuse ourselves but there are other movies featuring Fairies that do not contain Pirates, and vicey-versey, so except for Peter Pan we have a good thing going...although nothing prepared us for meeting a real CAVY FAIRY AND FALLING IN LOVE...nope! Never saw it coming. Just sooo glad it did!

Fairy, you and your mum and dad would love this movie. It has Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Theosophical Society...and it's during WW1...and the stars are two little girls...and...we won't give it away since you'll never guess in a million years! Twelve toes up for this one, based on a True Story!
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  1. I love that movie and watch it whenever it's on.

  2. I am sure Fairy - and me and 'shovel-man' will love it . . . it isn't out here though! I will find a way of seeing it (our connection is so slow here so we can't watch it online but maybe SM can download it for us at work)!
