Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Death By Giant Meteor - YouTube

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Death By Giant Meteor - YouTube

This is real cool stuff, y'all! We love astrophysicists who tell us about the end of the world in such a cozy way. We are, however, really really really mad
at him for taking Pluto off the "Planets" list. We loved Pluto! Heretic! He got a lot of hate mail, apparently, written with crayons! True. We met a girl the other night, ya GIRL PIGGIE in da HOUSE! Mom didn't photograph it because she didn't want to use flash and hurt our eyes or blind us. But she has THREE SISTERS and they are all invited back! 

Now, if that stupis dumb asteroid interferes, we are gonna be really, really, REALLY mad!

So, Neil, get them girls BACK here before that asteroid comes by because we wants us our girls!

guinea pigs who MISS PLUTO!


  1. Yea, what is the problem with keeping Pluto? BIG Deal, Huh? It's not like Pluto is gonna up and drive off into the Universe w/out us!!!
    CujaKitty already misses Pluto too :( (CujaKitty is the newest addition to my household. A female Tuxedo Cat!)

  2. SQUEEEEEE for "Cats4Pluto!" Cuja is hereby invited first honorary kitty in our very own "PigZ4Pluto" we are collecting pig "gifts" for a wee, widdle package to the Astronomer who dissed Pluto! Let's say the gift will help, er, affirm Life here on Earth if he wisely (hopefully) uses our little wee gifts to fertilize the garden out his door rather than the fertilizing the Garden of His Brilliance!
    Neil, we lurves ya, don't eat the gifts, they aren't Christmas Raisins from Pluto, just sayin' -----
