Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Monday, May 24, 2010

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Dear Readers,


Mom has turned us all into MODS do we know? Because last night the owlets conducted their first successful hunt, and when one of them took a (we did not watch this part) headless mouse into the OwlBox to share with fuzzy, little bro, Wesley, who hasn't even hopped out yet, we were so proud of them for sharing.

Do we share with one another?


You should see the Mahals snatch food right out of each others' mouths WHILE the other one is eating!
They are absolutely incorrigible! I watch from my perch atop the loft, sitting supremely upon my ferret
sleeping bag, observing their "sharing" and am appalled!

(so it makes me giggle...they're so bad that mom thinks I'M THE "GOOD ONE" NOW, can you believe THAT?)

YUP! Despite the three "tattoos" (NOTE FROM EDITOR: scars) that mom wears proudly on her right
hand, she now considers ME, YUM-YUM, the "good pig" and....hee-hee

hee-heee-hee, i just have to WHHHHEEEEEEkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! that's so funny and surprising!

Watching the OwlBox has given me GoodPig status, so if we have all become MODS, I'm all for it,
until/unless/if anyone flies by with a kitten in talons, then (and mom agrees) WE ARE DONE!

so far, only wabbits, gophers, mice, and we don't watch, we just TWITTER our pretty little selves
all over the place.

mom said she knew we'd become MODS once we began referring to our toenails as talons!


mom not well, so off to make her laugh now with my abundance of "goodness"
(not well, and deluded!)

i am seriously considering a name change from YumYum to Captain Jack Sparrow.

but then it would take a long time to say good bye to all of you dear readers and friends,


capt. jack sparrow aka YumYum (yeah, too long)


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