Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Friday, May 28, 2010

BLOG « Molly's Box

BLOG « Molly's Box: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Dear Readers,

Taj Mahal here. Is the mic on? Can you hear me now? Testing one, two...wheeek!WWWWHEEEEK!
(EDITOR: "Sweetheart, you type, this is not National Public Radio, try putting your toes on the keyboard.")

Thanks, mom.

aweqo4970hbn rufnDS?;"dU407NLKAWD;o4mllma//?

(EDITOR: "Sweetheart, no you don't jump and popcorn all over the keyboard, you type a warm welcome.")

o. dear Readers,


(Editor: sigh, and we make just a wee effort to make sense of life, Raj, just a wee effort?)

but mom, I'm TAJ, not RAJ, YOU CAN'T GET MY NAME RIGHT. oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

weeeeee weeeeeee WWWWWWWWWW EEEEEEEEE effort, OK! Let's PARTAY ON, PIGS -

ok, ok:

Dear Readers, (mom, uyo ok wid ThisWHAT HERE is it?)

YumYum is sick and was rushed to the vet yesterday and can now only eat hay and he wants our food but mom caught it in time and he probably has an obstruction in his little runty tummy which the hay should remove and maybe a Vit. C deficiency since he doesn't eat his fortified guinea pig pellets like we he already has
improved and mom is SO HAPPY.

She rarely drives anymore, but when mom goes to a doctor's apt.and it is time to go home, she has been
driving back to Scudder Pond, only to remember we don't live there anymore...and it has turned so green!
She thinks her soul
left behind in the move and is still there,
calling us back "home" and we must be patient and appreciate and accept that where we now live is home. Actually, not a problem for us piggin's because a cage is a cage, wherever you put it!

Also, mom has been watching the last of Molly's owlets fledge with massive dedication and TWITTERING along with all her new friends she will never meet. She has apparently attracted the attention of some who are now following her TWEETS, whatever that means, and when she looked on their bios they range from zombie lovers to Lawrence Welk fans. We really think it's time for mom to let the big birds fly away and stop all the TWITTERING because it makes her headaches much, much worse and lots of people are following us
but we really don't understand why. She said this weekend's Live Broadcast USTREAM of the MOD picnic will be the end of it all because the owlets are all "out of the box" and she just wants to see the faces of all the friends she made on the site, if they wear name tags with their TWITTER names like they are supposed to.

All of them say they look like Raquel Welch in real life...also, GET THIS:  Paris Hilton gets on the TWITTER and just insults the MODS who then emerge with enthusiasm teasing her and pointing out that she even misspells the words she uses to insult them!  Being insulted brings out a lot of Chaotic Creativity amongst MODS and Paris brings out the funniest TWEETS! Maybe she got her own fan site confused with Molly's Owl Box, we don't know, but she sure gets "jumped on" with every misspelled insult she hurls at the MODS!

WHAT FUN! In a sad way. Because most of the MODS are actually very loving, caring folks...just they act like Yum-Yum when Paris gets on and says stupid stuff.  So, Paris, if you read this, how about being nice and they will be nice back and welcome you to the site?  Or not.  We want a peaceful, verdant that too much to ask?

That was a lot. I don't know how the other writers can blog such long philosophical blah, blah, blahs, I just want to eat and then take my morning nap with Raj. G'morning and g'night, all.

Taj Mahal, or (as mom now calls me) "Little Brown"

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