Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Raj's Holiday List?

What's love got to do with it?

Raj has been shopping online for a designer bath!
We are flabbergasted.
They are thousands of dollars.
We were more flabbergasted.
Then he tossed his head in a way that caused his mussed Coronet crown to resemble Elvis Presley and simply added:
"And I'm worth it!"

O.K. Would the prankster who stole our Raj and replaced him with, with...this...please return him.

PSSssssst, mom?
We think Love Stole Him...

"Oh Fairy, Sweet dear, may we invite you for a cozy spot of tea this afternoon? Seems we have 
"a situation."
Thanks, precious. See you at four!
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  1. OMG that much $$$ Preposterous!!!

  2. If ever you get 'over here' you can use MY tin bath, Raj, you don't need any of that poncy stuff, save your $$$'s for SALAD. Besides, it's NOT worth it . . .
