Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


HELLO! My name is Peter Peanut and I iz a baby piglest and 
duzn't know how to uze mommy's new cmputer and neither duz
she! But the big news is that I is Peter Peanut and YumYum sed
he wanted to turn the helm of the Plog over to me becuz I am so
innocent and young and I iz difrent from the Pirates and he will
be the Pulblisher and help mom (me) when we (mom) needz it.
Di d I say I is just three months old amd mom was lucky to resccue
me becuse i had an upper respiratory infection so some pitchurs will have crusty eyes and nose but now I is only 3 months old and 
been to veteranarilibrarian who sed now mom and i is allergic to 
HAY! when we came home every pirate started laughing until their
ratty tails slapped they's food bowls until it hurt cuz i is allergic to hey. but so is mom.
I love you and will tell you everything when mom feels better and 
YumYum teaches me (mom) how to use our new computer thanks to kindness of cavy peeple and Edwin and friends.
Did I elf you i am only 3 months old?
I love you,
Peter Peanut

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1 comment:

  1. Oh you are back! Yippee! Yippittyyippee big style! And 'hello' there Peter Peanut, you gorgeous little piggy, you like your cuddles and lovin' and you surely have the best new home you could ever wish for. Be happy :)))))
