Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Shelter From The Storm...

It was the best of days (not raining.)
It was the worst of days: predicted
rain, wind gusts exceeding 60 mph,
floods, snow at low elevations, typical
Pacific Northwest "fall weather" when
ANYTHING can happen within 60 seconds.
Still, the stout and hardy amongst us
shall not be THWARTED: OFF WE GO!

Shall we go Up or Down to the Sea?

To the sea it is, then! And a tide rushing
in as winds pick up...what will happen?

Ask the wise remnants of a once-mighty
tree, blown down by the Gusts of Fall...
weathered, yet stories to tell,
of how it fell. And how we might, too,
in the Winds of Autumn on Bellingham Bay.

So far, so good, but winds picking up.

And tides rushing in over weathered
sandstone boulders whose natural fingerholds
make our coast totally rad for rock-climbing!
Once, though, while bouldering
(ropeless climbing) and traversing 
(climbing ropeless/sideways like spider) along 
a gentle beach cliff miles north of here...
 It was so exhilarating!
 ~ sorta didn't notice: (DEATH?) the tide
coming IN while I'still climbing OUT, and UP
came the water towards me: beach and rocks 
rapidly covered in roiling surf below.
Moral of Story: don't boulder stupid!
Know the tide tables...

Still, these smooth, natural holds invite 
human hands to become One with 
This I know for sure.


So up and onto the Trail over
Bellingham Bay go the cyclists,
the joggers, the walkers, well, HEY!

Until gusts of wind and rain reduce
us to shivering timbers ~

And dripping wet-cold-FREEZING,
we wander Home Again...

Into the welcome, warm "Wheeks!" 
of lil'Squirrel: my Shelter from the Storm.

i find You SO Yummy!

"She's full of it!  Don't heed a word!
Once that Gore-Tex dries out
She'll be gone like a bird."
I am Vinny and I approve this 

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  1. OH.MY... Thank you for the magnificent walk! My legs are sore from squatting and those stairs looks painful, but what fantastic photo ops!

    YAY, YOU!
