Panda's First Smile

Panda's First Smile
PandaPig's First Smile!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Concealed in Darkness, Raj Hatches a PLAN!

My beloved Fairy has been emailing more about Taj being on the magazine cover than about my beautiful, bi-colored lower lip, the stunning coronet atop my head that I wear like a Royal Crown when mom combs it, and my beautiful long, flowing tail-feathers...What would it take to win Fairy back 100% I wonder?

OH! I know, I'll consult with Herd Chieftain YumYum, the Elder! He knows EVERYTHING.

We'll get Taj, and I'll win my Fairy's heart back 200%! Yes, sounds like a plan! Now, to emerge from the shadows into broad daylight whistling like a cavy in a ripe, resplendant, organic vegetable garden...appearing as if nothing is wrong. Yeah, sounds like a plan!
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  1. LOL that Does Sound like a Plan!! *G*

  2. Don't worry your little sweet head, Raj, you already HAVE my heart - 300%
